First Semester Reflections

Table of Contents

Eve of Destruction

And by de­struc­tion, of course, I mean win­ter se­mes­ter. School starts up again to­mor­row, so I fig­ured to­day I’d share some re­flec­tions on my first se­mes­ter of col­lege (or as our friends across the pond say, uni).

And since I’m lazy, I’ll do it in list form.

A List of Things That Happened

and how I felt about them, etc etc.

  1. The foot­ball team is pretty good at, you know, foot­ball.
  2. We do not speak of the OSU game.
  3. Homework ac­tu­ally counts for some­thing
  4. Homework is ap­par­ently use­ful for re­in­forc­ing lec­ture ma­te­r­ial.
  5. Math is def­i­nitely eas­ier when learn­ing it for the sec­ond time.
  6. I have way more time than I know what to do with.
  7. I should work on more pro­jects.
  8. I should do re­search.
  9. CAEN is def­i­nitely run bet­ter than tjCSL
  10. Working at CAEN is nowhere near as fun as work­ing at tjCSL.
  11. Late nights are okay on week­ends, never on week­days.
  12. I def­i­nitely sleep way more than I used to.
  13. It’s a bad idea to get trapped in down­pour at 3am.
  14. Looking for­ward to chem­istry, the sat­u­ra­tion point also means, af­ter a cer­tain ex­tent, it’s phys­i­cally im­pos­si­ble to get more wet.
  15. Projects and home­work take a lot of time.
  16. Michigan Data Science Team is pretty cool.
  17. I miss play­ing in band (am play­ing in band W19).
  18. There are lots of op­por­tu­ni­ties for free food.
  19. Trello is re­ally use­ful for mak­ing sense of my life.
  20. Who am I kid­ding, it’s im­pos­si­ble to make sense of my life.
  21. I ap­pre­ci­ate his­tograms.
  22. CAEN SSH does not al­low Kerberos ticket auth and that makes me mad.