Let it Snow

Just drag this link to the book­mark bar, click it, and you, too, can be greeted by the non-de­nom­i­na­tional red deer-pulled guy:

❄️Let it Snow❄️

Screenshot of Christmas

Ion has a win­ter theme that gets ac­ti­vated every December, with snow­fall and a Non-denominational Red Deer-Pulled Guy.

I found my­self miss­ing this, since Michigan’s Intranet”, Wolverine Access (which is ac­tu­ally just Oracle SIS, but I di­gress) does­n’t have this nifty fea­ture.

So I de­cided to port the snow theme over to a book­marklet, so I can ac­cess get snow at any time!

Thanks Derek Morris (TJ 11) and Zachary Yaro (TJ 12) for the ac­tual code.

Pro Tip: if you click it mul­ti­ple times, you’ll get mul­ti­ple non-de­nom­i­na­tional hol­i­days!

Pro Tip 2: if you click it enough times, your com­puter will over­heat to keep you warm dur­ing those cold win­ter nights.